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Assemblymember Mark Gonzalez and the Korean American Association of Los Angeles Host an Immigrant Rights Workshop -- The First in California to Be Presented in Korean

Radio Seoul

엘에이 한인회와 마크 곤잘레스 가주하원의원실이 공동 주최하는 한인 이민자 권리 보호 워크숍이 오는 27일 개최됩니다.

14일 LA 한인타운에서 열린 기자회견에서 마크 곤잘레스 의원과 한인 커뮤니티 관계자들은 이번 워크숍이 캘리포니아 최초로 한국어로 진행되는 이민자 권리 보호 행사라고 밝혔습니다.

California's New $2 Billion Pitch to Save Public Transit: International Sports Fans Are Coming

San Francisco Chronicle

"Millions of spectators will need to use public transit to get to game events and other tourist destinations," Arreguín and Assembly Member Mark González, D-Los Angeles, wrote Wednesday in a letter requesting the $2 billion budget set-aside.

"Completing new rail and bus lines and making first- and last-mile connections are needed to help spectators move safely, reliably, and comfortably," the letter continued, noting that cities sought federal funds to jump-start these projects, but aren't guaranteed that money.

California Lawmakers Advocate for Dual Language Immersion Programs With New Bill

FOX 40

(FOX40.COM) — Assemblymember Mark González announced the introduction of legislation that would expand access to dual language immersion programs in California schools.

According to a statement from González’s office, Assembly Bill 865 would appropriate $5,000,000 for instructional materials for dual language immersion programs.

Even in CA, Report Finds LGBTQ Youth Struggle With Mental Health

Bay Area Reporter

California is likely to adopt additional pro-LGBTQ measures this year. As the B.A.R. reported last week, among this year's LGBTQ legislative package in the Statehouse is Assembly Bill 727 by gay Assemblymember Mark González (D-Los Angeles) that would require schools in the state serving students in grades 7 to 12, as well as colleges and universities, to include on student identification cards the Trevor Project's 24/7 suicide hotline 1-866-488-7386.

California Wants More Kids in Bilingual Classes — but Won't Spend Enough to Expand Them


Recognizing the state’s tight finances this budget year, advocates did not push for any major initiatives. But Asians Advancing Justice worked with Assemblymember Mark González, a Los Angeles Democrat, to introduce Assembly Bill 865, which calls for $5 million over the next three years to help schools either purchase or create instructional materials for bilingual programs.

Assemblymember Mark González Introduces Legislation to Expand Street Medicine Access

SACRAMENTO, CA – This week, Assemblymember Mark González (D-Los Angeles) introduced AB 543, legislation aimed at tackling California's homelessness crisis by expanding access to healthcare and social services through street medicine providers.

California accounts for 66% of the nation's unsheltered population and 28% of the total homeless population. More than 187,000 people live on the streets...


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